
Maybe you can go home again?

That's what several of our foreign friends and acquaintances in Spain are hoping, such as Rumanians who may have had some other profession but in Spain were working in the once-booming construction industry. See As Jobs Die, Europe’s Migrants Head Home in yesterday's NYT. But "home" isn't what it used to be, either. There will be lots of stories to tell, of kids pulled out of school, repatriated and having to function in a language they´re no longer used to (or maybe never learned beyond talking with their mothers), of marriages in trouble because of new economic stresses, and lots more. Maybe the only upside of this crisis is that it is sure to enrich Rumanian (and Lithuanian and other eastern countries') literature.


Jaime Riba said...

Este 30 de abril del 2009 a las 20:00 se representará en el Teatro Regio de Vera la obra de "Amor de Don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín", escrita por Federico García Lorca.

· Reparto:

- Jaime Riba Fernández (Perlimplín).
- Eider Burgos Palencia (Belisa).
- Mª Esther Portillo Castaño (Marcolfa y Duende 2).
- Ana Belén Gabaldón Sánchez (Madre, Duende 1 y Voz)

· Argumento:

Marcolfa, criada de Don Perlimplín, empuja a éste a casarse con la joven Belisa. Belisa es a su vez, por conveniencia, empujada al matrimonio por su madre. Don Perlimplín no quiere casarse pero sucumbe a los encantos de Belisa quien en la misma noche de bodas lo engaña con cinco admiradores.

Don Perlimplín sufre paciente los engaños de su mujer pero quiere que Belisa sienta amor de verdad.


· Puntos de venta:
- Taquilla Cine Regio.


Esperamos su asistencia. Gracias. :)

Geoffrey Fox said...

Gracias, Jaime, y buena suerte. Pasaré esta información a mi colega Balta en nuestro blog en español, Lecturas y lectores.