
Coming up: Spain's un-justice system

Busy time right now, we've been preparing for our trip to Egypt -- from Carboneras to Madrid tomorrow, on Friday to Aswan, then Cairo for a week before we come back to Spain. Reading up on Egypt has been fascinating, but I hope to have a little time tomorrow or Wednesday to write my weekly report on Spain. Because there is a lot going on here that should be noticed. Especially the twisting of the judicial system for partisan ends that have nothing to do with justice and are seriously threatening the whole structure of Spanish democracy -- vibrant and noisy, but still not consolidated after the fratricide and dictatorship of recent memory. So I hope you'll come back tomorrow or next, and that you'll find some thoughts worth thinking about here.

By the way, it's been a big holiday locally: El Día de Andalucía, anniversary of the setting up of the autonomous region. That history, and Andalucía's present conditions, deserve some attention too. But later.

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