
More on how publishing is changing

If you follow Nathan's links, you may encounter something you hadn't thought before. Or confirm what you already suspected, which is also useful. Nathan Bransford - Literary Agent: This Week in Publishing

Online page proofs of "Sultan"

I've just privately posted my new novel on Scribd, with formatting and lots of illustrations which should make it more fun to read: http://www.scribd.com/doc/22810157. You'll need the password, which I can send you. Before I make it publicly available, I want to check for permission for all those images. More importantly, or equally, I hope for comments and suggestions from interested and literate readers like you. I plan to look it over once more, then probably tomorrow I'll be ready to send the password to those interested in reading about old Constantinople, Ottoman warriors, a princess, slaves, and courtiers. Just ask. And if you have any idea about publishers or illustrations, or are willing to write a blurb or review, please let me know. Here's the description: Query, "A Gift for the Sultan"


Adultery and Africa

This short story of mine has just appeared in Neworld Review -- I guess it made them laugh, because they've labeled it as humor. My thanks to the cartoonist, who is not credited. You'll find the story and the cartoon here: Neworld Review: Adultery and Africa