Much of the NYTimes reporting has not been impartial. For alternatives to the usual 'opposition' media reports from Venezuela you may explore, in English: as well as The Narconews Bulletin and, in Spanish Veneconomy Be prepared to sift everything for the truth (?), but you will find more than one perspective.
We destroy the beauty of the countryside because the un-appropriated splendors of nature have no economic value. We are capable of shutting off the sun and the stars because they do not pay a dividend. — John Maynard Keynes
Venezuela: Checking bias in reporting
Lou-Bette Herrick sends this article from the WP by Mark Weisbrot, which should change how you see the conflict in Venezuela. (You'll be asked for age, sex & zip code before you get to the article.) According to Weisbrot, hardly anybody outside of the oil workers is actually on strike, though a lot of workers are locked out by employers (including FedEx and McDonald's) that sympathize with the opposition. And the opposition is berserk, violent and utterly untrustworthy in their reporting of the news (and they own all the TV stations but one). Lou-Bette comments that Weisbrot's is "Perhaps a more balanced view." She adds: